Field Trips

Mar 2020, Ventura Game Preserve

In March 2019, we co-led a Pasadena Audubon Society field trip to Ventura Game Preserve with Doug Farr. We encounter a large number of Red-winged Blackbirds and Barn Swallows and spotted a lone Hooded Oriole, which is a life bird for many people on the trip. A Red-tailed hawk was unusually tolerant to our approaching and only took off minutes later. There were also many water birds, including American Avocets, Northern Shovelers, and White-faced Ibis, just to name a few.

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Dec 2019, Dagget

In December 2019, we attended a field trip to Dagget (San Bernardino County, California) with the San Bernardino Valley Audubon Society. There were a large number of Savannah Sparrows, we also saw a lone Ladder-backed Woodpecker, a flock of mountain bluebirds, and great number of raptors. The bird identification challenge of the day was a dark hawk, which is likely a dark morph red-tailed hawk, which you can take a look at the end of this album.

If you prefer to view the photos on Flicr, click here: